The Insolvency Group Limited are proud to be a member of the Insolvency Practitioners Association (IPA) Volume Provider Regulation Scheme. The IPA strongly believes that the Volume Provider Regulation Scheme, a first in the insolvency profession, will deliver lasting confidence in the personal debt solutions market.

Launched by the IPA, the Volume Provider Regulation (VPR) Scheme came into effect on 1 January 2019.

The VPR Scheme was rolled out in response to the rapid development of the Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) market – the most commonly used debt solution in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Scheme provides some of the closest scrutiny seen in financial services. More information on the Scheme, including the IPA’s Benchmark Report can be found here.

Effective from August 3rd 2020

How we will deal with your complaint


We aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible. Sometimes things take a little more time. Please find below the process that we will adhere to respond to your query.

Within 3 working days

We appreciate that time is often of the essence when a customer is dissatisfied enough to make a complaint and so we aim wherever possible we will seek to resolve all complaints within 3 working days of you making it.

Within 5 working days of receipt of your complaint you will receive from us:

If we are unable to resolve your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it an acknowledgement letter to let you know that your complaint is being dealt with and to provide you with contact details of the person dealing with it.

Within 4 weeks you will receive from us:

If the complaint is still being investigated 4 weeks after receipt, we are obliged to send you a further response to let you know what is happening. This letter should detail either:

  1. The reasons why more time is required to investigate your response and how long it will be before you should expect to receive a final response (within a maximum of another 4 weeks).


  1. The final response from us. This will include the findings from our investigation and details of any compensation we have concluded is payable to you (if appropriate).

Within 8 weeks you will receive from us:

Within 8 weeks of receiving your complaint, we are obliged to have fully investigated it and provide you with the details of our findings and details of any compensation that we think you would be due – in other words our final response.

Hopefully, this would be a mutually satisfactory response and the matter will be concluded.

Your Rights:

We hope that you will accept the decision of our Complaints Department. If this should not be the case, you remain free at all times to seek independent advice.

Insolvency Gateway

If you remain dissatisfied with our final response, then you can contact the Insolvency Complaints Gateway which is operated by the Insolvency Service.

They will record your complaint and forward it on to the relevant regulator. Complaints can be made to the Insolvency Service by email, phone, post or by completing an online form.

Details of how to make a complaint, along with contact information for the Insolvency Service, are available at Insolvency Complaints Gateway, located at

For Northern Ireland residents, information about making a complaint can be found at

How and Where to Complain?

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service you have received from us, you can tell us about your complaint in the following ways:

IN WRITING: Write to us at – The Insolvency Group Limited, Crescent House, Lever Street, Bolton, BL3 6NN

BY TELEPHONE: Call us on 0161 543 2310, option 5

BY EMAIL: Email us at

How Long Will It Take?

We aim to resolve your complaint straightaway but if we can’t, then we will write to you within five business days of receipt of your complaint, to confirm:

  • Receipt of your complaint
  • Who is dealing with your complaint, and
  • When we will contact you again


We will aim to resolve your complaint as soon as possible but it may take longer if it is complex. We will issue a final response within eight weeks of receipt of your complaint.